About Open Minds
Open Minds is led by Michael Chamberlain — a teacher, advisor and facilitator with more than 20 years of experience of delivering bespoke, innovative and dynamic activities to all ages and abilities. He realised the potential of bringing Open Minds to schools when visiting residential outdoor centres and the cost involved for schools whilst still providing opportunities for learning in a variety of subjects within the school environment. From his vast experience, he has brought together the most original and intriguing activities, providing schools with the solution of where so many elements of curriculum entitlement are to be delivered.
After gaining a Bachelor of Education (Hons) degree in Physical and Adventure Education from the University of Wales, Bangor, including the completion of Special Educational Needs and Multi-cultural studies courses, Michael was elected to the posts of Sports President and Vice-President positions in the Students' Union.
Since then he has continued to develop his own and others' learning through numerous experiences to culminate in the creation of the uniques activities in Open Minds Days. In addition, he has:
- attended and devised courses for schools studying British Values through SMSC and Pastoral Care
- devised activities supporting functional skills at professional sports clubs such as Wigan Athletic FC, Leigh Centurions and Wigan Warriors Rugby League clubs;
- conducted research projects for PFEG (Personal Finance Education Group) across the north west of England;
- delivered icebreakers and led presentations for Pfeg (Personal Finance Education Group);
- delivered icebreakers and led presentations for HSBC to support their employees working in the school environment;
- pioneered and designed a new debating programme (Contested & Controversial Issues) for adults and young learners for QCDA (formerly Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, part of the Department for Children, Schools and Families) and presented to headteachers, advisors and government officials;
- co-ordinated and delivered borough-wide Tops Sport schemes;
- worked with and alongside The Comino Foundation Educational Trust;
- managed curriculum centres teaching citizenship to students and adults;
- delivered and presented work with the Institute of Global Ethics;
- taught and produced bespoke schemes to support functional skills at sports clubs;
- been the on site teacher supporting visiting schools at a working city farm;
- liaised with council departments, such as Wigan Education Business Partnership and Wigan PSHE+C, on developing and designing new projects for adults and young learners;
- worked in the corporate sector with AXA Insurance;
- and led groups in activities in residential and non-residential outdoor centres.
- is a member of NASUWT and GTC;
- is registered with Enhanced CRB check;
- and continues to further his experience and strategy in attending courses and seminars concerning new learning techniques and the latest research.